Being in Berlin when the Wall came down was an extremely strong but at the same time very strange experience. I almost felt like a voyeur, being there and seeing all the violent emotions that I as an outsider impossibly could completely share, only imagine. Everybody was talking to complete strangers; a lady in her 60's with dyed hair and make-up running down her cheeks told about a relative who had died while trying to escape to the West. A young Russian soldier with a bleak, tired face and empty eyes kept repeating that just a couple of days before, he wouldn't have hesitated to shoot us standing where we were at the moment. But the feeling of joy was almost overwhelming as we knew that a new period in the history of Europe had begun. We danced with the Russian and East German soldiers and climbed up on the wall with the people at the Brandenburg Gate. I feel lucky to have experienced those days in Berlin, and as I haven 't been back there ever since, I still think of the city crowded with an ocean of people, singing, crying and celebrating the fact that miracles really do happen, every now and then.
Wow, det var verkligen som att befinna sig mitt i ett av historiens stora händelser! Jag tyckte det var en stor upplevelse bara det att tio år senare vandra längs den kilometerlånga kvarvarande muren.
Tack även för föregående inlägg som jag läste med stor behållning.
Hej Ruben, visst var det en av de där osannolika händelserna i livet. Att hamna i Berlin, just då! Som Mrs Merkel sade, hon kommer aldrig att uppleva något sådant igen och jag instämmer nog... Många hösthälsningar till dig!
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