Feathery, spiky, cascading, golden... hundreds of conifers mingling together at the Well's Medina Nursery.
* *Some temptations in life are more difficult to resist than others, and for plant people like me, nurseries can be scenes for great mental battles. How many times haven't I been there, asking myself all the right questions: do I really need the new plant; do I know where to plant it in my garden; do I really have the time & commitment to make it thrive... and so on, until I resign, knowing that however hard I try, life is just too short for so much sensible reasoning.
And now, I'm living within walking distance of Wells Medina Nursery, with five acres filled to brim with an amazing selection of well-tended temptations, many of which are rare and unusual, and all of which are in excellent condition. Japanese umbrella pines mingle with golden Metasequioas, Trilliums and Dodecatheons hold up their elegant, nodding blooms in chorus, young Arisaemas and Anemonellas of the shadow plant section beg to be noticed and admired... So many times, I've fought my urgent cravings to dash down the street just to see what's in season, fully aware of the risks. A couple of times, I've almost bumped into another car as I've managed to drive past, but then stretched out my neck to catch a speedy glimpse of the seasonal arrangements that fill the front. Was it meant to build my character, living so close to those abundant acres, full of goodies for plant lovers like me? In that case, I'm making no progress worth mentioning...
Autumn color at the shrub section. I love wandering the paths of a well-stocked nursery, browsing the name tags of the plats; a lovely opportunity to get to know new ones and to see things from magazines and books "live"...
What a marvellous place!!!
Take care,
It sounds like a great place to browse for plants, and to pick up a special or unique one. From your list, it appears to have a good selection of woodland plants, too. I can see that I'd be digging a few new beds if I lived down the street from this nursery.
Ha, ha, ha! Verkligen huvudet på spiken!! Man får kämpa emot, så gott det går!! I år är jag riktigt stolt, jag kan inte minnas, att jag köpt hem en enda växt i år. Det är knappt så jag tror det själv, måste ta och rannsaka minnet en extra gång! Nej, det stämmer!!!! Förutom lite lök och knölar, förstås och lite fröer - men annars inget.
Ha en trevlig helg!
I worked as an annuals buyer at Wells Medina until August of 2010 and I love that you have posted such wonderful pictures of their offerings! It was a wonderful nursery to work for and its owners' and employees' dedication to the plants and guests are extraordinary. I miss Wells Medina!
Thank you for sharing this wonderful nursery!
Hello, Anonymous, I can understand that you miss the place! Everybody is always so friendly and knowledgeable, so it is a joy to go there and see what is available. Great to hear that you enjoyed the post. Greetings, Liisa.
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