Thursday, May 19, 2011

Making a prairie, today

To make a prairie it takes one clover and one bee,
One clover and a bee, and revery.
The revery alone will do, if bees are few.

- Emily Dickinson -

Today, bees are few, but luckily, there's enough clover to make a whole prairie. I just love Emily's writing.


Ruben said...

Översättning, tack! Menar du revery som i dagdröm?

Ha det gott!

The Intercontinental Gardener said...

Dagdröm, kontemplation, begrundande eller varför inte meditation, för den delen. Man får välja själv... Hon är så tankeväckande, Emily. Ha det gott, Ruben du med!

Ruben said...

Fina ord, och jag tror jag fattar!!!! ;-)


The Intercontinental Gardener said...

Det tror jag att, verkligen! Ha det gott; snart är helgen här!

nilla|utanpunkt said...


Megan Seagren said...

Did you know that there are native prairies in Washington State, Liisa? They're considered our rarest and most threatened habitat.

The Intercontinental Gardener said...

Megan, I have to check them out. I'm trying to fit in some hikes to see the alpine meadows, unfortunately they often are in full bloom just when we are in Scandinavia. I would love to see the local prairies, too!