Just have to share this with you... a day before leaving for Scandinavia, the summer issue of Washington Park Arboretum Bulletin came out, carrying my first published article here in the US. My article was about the Otways Rainforests in South-Eastern Australia, and the cover - a photo of mine - depicted old giant myrtle beeches that have grown in the area since all continents were joined as the supercontinent of Gondwana.
Since the 1930s, many prominent botanists, horticulturalists and other garden professionals have contributed to this quarterly journal. As you can imagine, I am extremely honoured to have been included in it. And now, after patting myself on the back a little, I need to get back to work with the next article, which will be about the Garden of Souls at the Utopian Heights in Seattle...
Så roligt GRATTIS! Ser ut att vara en läsvärd tidning.
Kul att du hittade Gård&Torp nu i sommar.
ja Norrviken är en sorglig historia, trädgård borde ha samma status när det gäller bevarande som byggnader.
kram Sophia
Vad roligt!!! Vilken fantastisk känsla att ta med sig på semestern!! Många klappar från mig med.
Ha det gott!
Liisa, that's a huge achievement...sometimes, to have come so far takes a prolonged history of hard and meticulous labour. I hope your time in Scandinavia is reassuringly rewarding.
Congratulations! That's very exciting :) Looking forward to your blogs again now that you're back (though your summer sounds like it was absolutely lovely).
Sophia och Ruben - tack för alla "klappar"! Visst är det roligt att få något ut också, inte bara jobba på kammaren... Och nu blir det ännu mer jobb, tre mer artiklar att leverera. Härligt!
Hi Faisal and Garden Wanderer; I am very glad about this, and very honored, too, so a big thank you for your congratulations! I'll be back with some hopefully beautiful posts from Scandinavia soon...
Men så kul L!! Grattis till en sådan vacker tilldragelse, förstår att du är glad, det skulle jag också vara. Och mycket stolt:-)
kramrkam H.
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